Traveller Miniature Pre-orders.

Ad Astra Games are now taking pre-orders for the first two boxes of miniatures (one Zhodani, one Imperial).

Ken Burnside (Ad Astra's President) posted the following on their forums:

These are on a P70 system - when we get 70 orders in house, we'll be putting them to the prototyper and into production. Depending on the timing at the protyping house, production minis will ship about 6-8 weeks after we send them in.

Customers who pre-order will get their miniatures shipped at the same time they ship to distribution; credit cards will be run when we pay the bill to the prototyper, which may be a few weeks before the minis ship. (We have also had situations where it's gone to prototype to minis in our hands in under 3 weeks, but this is the exception, not the rule.)

You can pre-order here.

Power Projection: Fleet is also available for order on their website.

New Picture of Minis

Metal Effect ships
Charles Oines recently posted an updated image of the miniatures that are planned by Ad Astra Games on their forum. This is another CGI render combined with a metal effect to give an impression how they should look out of the box. There are four Zhodani (to the left of the coin) and five Imperials here.

And just to note, I haven't forgotten about the Huron and other ships I mentioned earlier!
