
Furnace 2010

Now that TravCon 2010 has been and gone, do you fancy a weekend dedicated to tabletop RPGs, hosted in a hotel in a historic Garrison Jail? At the moment, there’s only one game of Traveller planned, run by BITS’ own Dom Mooney, but there are plenty of other interesting and fun games ranging from trendy indie through to old skool. The convention is called Furnace, and is in Sheffield on the 9th and 10th October 2010.

More details can be found here including a provisional programme for the games being run. There are limited numbers of spaces remaining.

The video here gives some feedback from the 2009 event if you want a taster.

Furnace & Game Parlor this weekend

I will be at Furnace in Sheffield this weekend, running a Traveller game on Sunday afternoon. This will be a playtest of a scenario I've been working on called 'This Fear of Gods'.

If you're in the USA, Mystic Station are running a Power Projection demo at Game Parlor Woodbridge, Virginia. Details can be found in the blog entry on 7th October 2006.


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