Far Future Enterprises releasing Classic Traveller, JTAS and Twilight 2000 CD-ROMs

Marc Miller, the creator of Traveller and one of the founders of GDW, has announced that more of the GDW Science Fiction RPGs are to be released as PDF compilations via his company FarFuture Enterprises.

Currently, he has released MegaTraveller and 2300AD. Shipping is fast (my copies of both took less than a week to get to the UK) and there is no extra charge of international orders. The PDFs the same quality as those on DriveThruRPG, but you get all of the books for a fraction of the cost. Details can be found here.

Dom (BITS Webmaster)
Here is the FFE press release accompanying the announcement:

We are please to announce our latest CD ROM projects from Far Future Enterprises:

Ships October 1-
Twilight: 2000 V2.2. the canon for Twilight: 2000-- the original texts of all Twilight: 2000 version 2.2 military role-playing materials published by GDW  Game Designers’ Workshop between 1990 and 1996. Each image and text PDF contains original page images and searchable text. All files are printable in whole or in part.
   v2.2 Rule Book                                               
   v2.0 Boxed Set                                               
   Infantry Weapons                                            
   US Vehicle Guide                                            
   Soviet Vehicle Guide v2                                   
   NATO Vehicle Guide v2                                 
   Merc Gazeteer                                                
   Nautical and Aviation Handbook                     
   Twilight Nightmares                                         
   Heavy Weapons Handbook                             
   Special Operations                                          
   Castle by the Sea                                             
   Referee's Screen                                              
   Operation Crouching Dragon                           
   Eastern Europe Sourcebook                            
  Rendezvous in Krakow                                         
            Plus: The Official Guide to Twilight: 2000 - an overview of the game system and its components.
            Plus: Challenge Magazine articles on Twilight from Issues 45 to 77 (all the applicable T2k articles for v2.2)

Ships November 1-
Classic Traveller. the canon for Classic Traveller-- the original texts of all of the Little Black Books in the ground-breaking and award-winning science-fiction role-playing game. Each image and text PDF contains original page images and searchable text. All files are printable in whole or in part.
            The Traveller Book.
            The Traveller Adventure.
            Books 0 through 8.
            Supplements 1 through 13.
            Adventures 0 through 13.
            Double Adventures 1 through 6.
            Games 0 through 6.
            Modules 1 through 5.
            Aliens 1 through 8.
            Special Supplements 1 through 3.
             Plus: The Official Guide to Traveller - an overview of the Classic Traveller game system and its components, and the History of the Imperium - an overview of the background for Classic Traveller.

Ships December 1-
Journal of the Traveller’s Aid Society. all 24 issues of The Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society. Game Designers’ Workshop GDW’s award-winning quarterly magazine dedicated to the Traveller science-fiction role-playing game system.  Each image and text PDF contains original page images and searchable text.
            All files are printable in whole or in part.
CD ROMS are $35 each. International: There is no extra charge for shipping air letter post internationally.
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