Two Steps forward, One Back...

We've become a little more organised here at BITS central, and we actually have a plan of what we want to get done by when. if all goes well, that should see several products out into next year, with at least one at Dragonmeet this year.

However, as ever, we get those little challenges. Neil has been slaving away, painting the miniatures for me to photograph for Power Projection: Reinforcements, and everything was going brilliantly for a handover this weekend at Continuum. And then the varnish incident happened. Unfortunately, this has turned all the minis white, putting us back a couple of weeks. So, we have 'the wrong kind of varnish on the minis', much like the famous British Rail quote, 'the wrong kind of leaves on the tracks'. Fortunately, we have ways to recover the overall programme, but sadly not Neil's time. The minis are now being stripped off and restarted...

The newsletter is also being proofed at the moment, so expect to see that soon if you are a BITS member.

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